Hola! Como en estos días he estado un poco ocupada decidí hacer mis propios regalos para reyes (aquí en España el día grande de los regalos es el 6 de enero, cuando se supones los reyes magos llegaron a Belén para conocer al niño Jesús), entonces me puse a buscar en internet para algunas ideas y encontré en este blog: zoomyummy.com una brillante idea, “babuchas” entonces empecé a hacer un par para mí con una lana feltreable que una amiga me había regalado hace algunos años, con la misma idea, porque me regaló también un juego de agujas (4 agujas de esas que se usan para hacer calcetines) y un patrón en inglés, pero nunca he usado esto y dejé la idea, hasta que encontré esta genial idea en internet, pero bueno yo cambié las instrucciones del patrón porque la lana era más gruesa que la que usa la blogera, pero la idea era la misma, esto fue realmente rápido de hacer solo gasté unas horas para terminar un par, cuando terminé se las mostré a Mr Q. y se enamoró de las babuchas y decidió quedárselas aunque traté de convencerle con varias disculpas como que eran un poquito gays, que tal vez lucían mejor en una chica, etc, pero al final el me convenció a mi, que eran perfectas para un hombre por el color, calientitas y que solo las usaría para estar en casa, etc, entonces decidimos que si después de lavarlas eran demasiado pequeñas para el (se tenían que lavar para que quedaran como fieltro)yo me las quedaba, pero para mi sorpresa después de lavarlas las babuchas estaban mejor para el (los colores se mezclaron bastante bien)entonces miré en mi canasta de las lanas para mirar que tipo de lanas y que cantidad tenía y encontré algún buen materia y empecé a hacer babuchas para mis amigas más cercanas.
Hey there! As I have been really busy recently, I decided to make my own presents for the King’s Day (Here in Spain the big day for presents is the 6th of January, when the three wizard kings are supposed to have arrived in Bethlehem to meet the baby Jesus Christ). So I was looking on the internet for some ideas and I found in the blog, zoomyummy.com a brilliant idea, slippers, so I started to make a pair for myself with a felt wool that one of my friends gave me some years ago with the same idea, because she also gave me a set of knitting needles (4 knitting needles that are used for making socks) and a pattern but I had never used this so I left that idea until I found this great idea on the internet. Anyway, I changed the pattern instructions because the wool was thicker than the wool used by the blogger but the idea was the same. It was really quick to make and I only spent a few hours finishing a pair. When I finished it, I showed it to Mr. Q and we fell in love with the slippers so he decided to take them for himself. I tried to convince him otherwise, using a lot of excuses like they were a little gay, that maybe they look better on girls etc but, in the end he convinced me that they were perfect for a man because of the color, they were really warm and that he would only use them at home. So we decided if, after washing them, they were too small for him (we had to wash them to change them into felt), I would keep them but to my surprise after washing them, the slippers were better for him (the colors mix really well) so I looked in my wool basket to check what type and quantity of wools I had, and I found some nice materials and started to make slippers for my closest friends.
AQUI LOS RESULTADOS - Here the results:
Hey there! As I have been really busy recently, I decided to make my own presents for the King’s Day (Here in Spain the big day for presents is the 6th of January, when the three wizard kings are supposed to have arrived in Bethlehem to meet the baby Jesus Christ). So I was looking on the internet for some ideas and I found in the blog, zoomyummy.com a brilliant idea, slippers, so I started to make a pair for myself with a felt wool that one of my friends gave me some years ago with the same idea, because she also gave me a set of knitting needles (4 knitting needles that are used for making socks) and a pattern but I had never used this so I left that idea until I found this great idea on the internet. Anyway, I changed the pattern instructions because the wool was thicker than the wool used by the blogger but the idea was the same. It was really quick to make and I only spent a few hours finishing a pair. When I finished it, I showed it to Mr. Q and we fell in love with the slippers so he decided to take them for himself. I tried to convince him otherwise, using a lot of excuses like they were a little gay, that maybe they look better on girls etc but, in the end he convinced me that they were perfect for a man because of the color, they were really warm and that he would only use them at home. So we decided if, after washing them, they were too small for him (we had to wash them to change them into felt), I would keep them but to my surprise after washing them, the slippers were better for him (the colors mix really well) so I looked in my wool basket to check what type and quantity of wools I had, and I found some nice materials and started to make slippers for my closest friends.
AQUI LOS RESULTADOS - Here the results: